Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting married?

Those who are about to get married, I strongly recommend that they read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" and "Mars and Venus in the Bedroom" by John Gray to enrich your married lives and maintain your loving relationships.
There are also other similar books written by different authors.
Do read them as they are not only interesting but also provide deep insights
into husband and wife relationships and create better understanding of our

Killing ourselves

It disturbs me very greatly when I learn about killings and bombings of innocent people all over the world. Why are humans killing each other? Are we worse than animals? Don't we have any conscience at all? Worse still when so called religious people kill in the name of religion.
For God's sake, don't use the name of God Almighty when you take a life of a human being who is created by God Almighty! Real martyrdom is saving lives and taking away lives. Only God Almighty has the right to take away lives, and we are not God!

If you say you kill because of revenge, then those whom you kill will also have their loved ones who will kill to avenge them. When will this end? An eye for an eye will leave everyone blind!
Those who kill have to think and reflect again. Ask God for guidance to confirm whether HE the Almighty gives you that permission to kill others, especially innocent ones.

May Allah God Almighty guide all of us, Ameen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009


As you grow older, you begin to reflect more about your life, your loved ones who have left you and your loved ones who are around you.

After my beloved mother passed away on 30 October 2007, my mind playbacked scenes that we spent time together at home and abroad. We did spend a lot of time overseas and also for weekly lunches, yet I felt we did not spend enough together.

I miss her presence very much. I miss her wonderful cooking. I miss her asking weekly what my children would like her to cook for them. I miss simply being wih her.

She has been my comforter, my advisor, my source of consolation all my life especially when I was feeling down.

She has been the most understanding person, the most wonderful mother I have ever known.

May Allah bless her soul. May Allah also bless the soul of my late father, the pillar of our family, the source of our living and the disciplinarian who had made all my siblings responsible and diligent parents and workers.